
Plassim provides a range of solutions for water and liquid transmission systems from the source to the final consumer. The pipes manufactured at the company’s factory are available for a variety of uses in varying quantities, in different diameters and with varying pressure ratings. Plassim’s water supply pipes are made from PVC, polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP). These raw materials enable the manufacture of pipes with a clean surface area and high hydraulic conductivity.

The pipes are totally resistant to corrosion and to various chemical substances. Plastic pipes for conveying water and liquids from Plassim have a long life expectancy (50 years and more) and require only minimal maintenance. Drinking water pipes are manufactured from materials approved by the Standards Institution of Israel, under standard SI 5452.

Plassim markets complete piping systems for water and liquids that also include imported fittings from leading world brands. The company's clients in the field of water and fluids include Mekorot, water and sewage corporations, desalination plants and more.

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